Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Assignment Post 1

My vision of how the media world will be for the most part for people for five years from now is that it continues to become and grow into more and more of peoples everyday lives. You can already see things like on where you can login and give your information through Facebook. I feel that this is going to continue to increase and become more and more widely accepted. As the notes that were provided to us stated that the tools and capabilities for social media have been around since the beginning of the internet but not until the past few years has their full potential been realized in business and media companies. Certain social media sources as Twitter as discussed shows that it is a quick and convient way for news and information to travel fast and wide. However, one of the things they have seen is fake tweets from fake accounts and sometimes on some very important things. One thing I feel that Twitter in particular along with Instagram has done is that they have made it to where big names like celebrities and bigger named people must be verified by them and then there is a way to tell if they are a verified person and that they are actually who they say that they are. According to John Jantsch, a marketing expert, social media can be defined as “the use of tech- nology combined with social interaction to create or co-create value.” There are several other types of social media besides the ones that I just listed here referring to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Emails, discussion boards, web forums, chat rooms, blogs, and wikis are all considered social media as well according to our notes provided. I also think that more and more colleges and Universities will continue to go to and make more use of social media for classes and for exercise or work that needs to be done. A perfect example is this blog that we are writing!